Pride is not limited to a specific time of the year; it is a year-round celebration and movement dedicated to standing strong against discrimination and advocating for LGBTQIA+ rights. A remarkable example of this dedication was witnessed in Zurich, where the Pride Parade attracted an astounding attendance of over 77,000 individuals. In support of this cause, here are some valuable resources:
Websites Providing Valuable Information
This website provides accessible knowledge about non-binary gender. It caters to individuals researching their own gender identity and to people or organizations interacting with non-binary individuals in everyday life, with a specific focus on Switzerland.
Pink Cross
Pink Cross is Switzerland's national organization for gay and bisexual men*. Advocating for acceptance, equal rights, and discrimination based on sexual orientation, gender identity, and HIV status. Achieving their goals through media presence, lobbying, and strengthening the LGBTIQ community.
Milch Jugend (Youth for Youth)
A youth organization that supports and represents they/them pronoun users, encompassing lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, intersex, asexual individuals, and people with diverse sexual orientations and gender identities. They proudly curate and design their our own magazine, host bar evenings, organize regular parties, weekend events, and participate collectively in Pride Switzerland, among other initiatives.
Transgender Network Switzerland
This website covers a range of topics related to transgender and non-binary individuals, offering guidance and support for individuals navigating their gender identities. Whether seeking information on legal matters, medical resources, or community support, this website serves as a comprehensive hub for those seeking knowledge and understanding.
National Centre for Transgender Equality
The National Center for Transgender Equality (NCTE) advocates for policy and societal changes to promote understanding and acceptance of transgender individuals. NCTE strives to replace disrespect, discrimination, and violence with empathy, opportunity, and justice.
Trans Kinder Netz
Trans-Kinder-Netz eV is an association of parents and family members with trans children and trans young people under the age of 18.
Coming Out Day
Coming Out Day is a global day of action that takes place on October 11th. In essence, it is about encouraging uncommitted people to come out of their own accord by making LGBT people visible.
Mental Wellbeing & Support Groups
Pink Therapy
Pink Therapy offers a directory of qualified LGBTQIA+ friendly therapists and counsellors providing trusted, non-judgmental services for people who identify as lesbian, gay, bisexual, trans, queer, asexual, intersex and anyone who identifies as gender, sex or relationship diverse.
Meetings and Groups
The HAZ offers an extensive array of meetings, consultations, a dedicated magazine, a well-stocked library, and numerous additional resources.
Workforce and Employment
LGBTI Label for Diversity and Inclusion
The Swiss LGBTI label is a quality seal for Swiss organizations promoting equal rights for LGBTI individuals based in Switzerland or working towards such goals within their company.
Employment Support for trans people and employers
Websites for Mental Health Professionals
Fachgruppe Trans
Their primary goal is to enhance cooperation between professionals and trans* clients, improve the current care for trans* individuals, and promote interdisciplinary and interregional collaboration. They foster information exchange among different fields of expertise, which serves as a foundation for discussing and advancing existing treatment standards.
World Professional Association for Transgender Health
They are an interdisciplinary organization focused on transgender health, comprising professionals, supporters, and students. Through clinical and academic research, they aim to develop evidence-based medicine and ensure high-quality care for transsexual, transgender, and gender-nonconforming individuals globally.
Articles & Resources
Trans and gender-diverse people are a pancultural and transhistorical phenomenon. It is widely understood that we, like LGBTQ+ people more generally, arise due to natural variation rather than the result of pathology, modernity, or the latest conspiracy theory.Julia Serano, Posted 16 May 2023, 32 Min Read, round up resources on parenting LGBTQ+ kids, including those questioning their gender identity or sexual orientation. They also have information on mental health issues LGBTQ+ kids are at risk for, including gender dysphoria, and one mother’s story of being there for her transgender child. Hannah Sheldon Dean, Managing Editor Child Mind Institute
This guide is created to help anyone learn how to use people’s correct pronouns. Everyone in your school community should engage in learning, educating, and advocating for the inclusive use of pronouns for all. By